Expedition News

Lithuanian cavers have successfully reached the camp in the west Caucasus

Lithuanian cavers, who have started their journey to the deepest cave on Earth -  Krubera – Voronya cave – about a week ago, have finally reached the camp in Caucasus mountains and began their work: transportation of equipment to the depth of the cave.


“After more than a week of travelling at last we can say that the expedition “Towards the centre of the Earth” 2012 has actually begun! – Says leader of Lithuanian team Aidas Gudaitis. – Two groups of Lithuanian speleologists are already working in the cave: the first group is transporting food and equipment to the 500m depth, the second group – to the 250m depth. Our team members, who intend to do microbiological researches, are also already descending into the cave”.


According to A. Gudaitis, this time transportation of the baggage to the camp was as difficult as it has always been. An old truck, full of food, equipment and people sitting on the top it, reached it’s terminus in the mountains after five hours of traveling rocky and bumpy roads. From this point team members had to carry the whole load with hired donkeys and on their own shoulders. It took 4-5 trips to the top and back until all the baggage reached the final destination – a mountain camp near Krubera – Voronya cave.


“The first day in the camp is a time for acclimatization, meeting with foreign partners, setting a working plan and sharing responsibilities, – explains leader of Lithuanian team A. Gudaitis. – Then teams start their work. At first they begin with not deep travels into the cave – you can not just simply descend into the depths, at first you need to get used to the underground environment, “make connection” with the cave, try out the equipment,” – he says.


So far the work of the cave preparation is going according to an early plan. The thing that cavers are worried about is that Lithuanian diver Vytis Vilkas is having an unexpected health problems – he is already few days late to join the rest of the team in Caucasus. But the team of Lithuanian and foreign cavers hope that he can solve these problems and will join as soon as possible, so for the moment the schedule and plans does not change.

Lithuanian expedition "Towards the Center of the Earth" 2012 is a part of the project "The Call of the Abyss", organized by the Ukrainian Association of Speleology (UkrSA).

Travel by an old truck


Travel by an old truck



Final terminus of a truck



Carrying the baggage to the final camp



Carrying the baggage to the final camp with hired donkeys



The camp is finally set